Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Riding The School Bus...

Ok so I broke down and let Owen ride the bus to school today. I know I know the bus is part of the experience but I was having a really hard time intrusting my first borns life to another woman on the freeway. Some might think it is crazy but if you are a mom you know the auwful thoughts that run through ones mind. If I could afford a shrink I would visit one sometimes daily I think but instead I blog about it to those who will listen. I went into Owen's room a little after 7 this morning and whispered in his little ear "Owen time..." before I could finish my sentence he shot his head in the air and said "did I miss the bus mom". With the most concerned look on his face. After I informed him that he still had 50 minutes to get ready he ran to the bathroom and flew down the stairs. I followed him to the kitchen where he was bouncing like a jumping bean and made him a shake and a bowl of cereal. He did good at first he started eating but he was littleraly bouncing in his chair. He looked at me so serious and informed me that he just thinks he should get dressed now incase the bus comes early today. So upstairs we went and after rushing through getting dressed and brushing his teeth he made it back to the breakfast table he looked at me and said, "mom I just can't see the bus pull up I should drink my shake on the couch" Soo off to the couch we went where his eyes were peeled out front the entire time. He then looked at me and said, "mom Ijust can't hear the bus from in here I think we should just wait outside". So outside we went and waited by the time the bus got here you would have thought it was a carnival ride pulling up driven by a clown throwing candy he jumped and screamed so loud I am sure all the neighbors thought something traumatic was going on at our house. He took off and waived at mom goodbye and I then went into the house and cried into my morning cup of Joe. It is amazing how fast kids really do grow and we have to just accept it as parents.


Perfectly Redeemed

It's gonna be okay. Good story, can't imagine Owen bouncing off the walls for

The Haskins

That's a cute story about Owen :) I think it's completely normal to cry about that stuff. Any milestone for that matter. I cried when Ryder refused to nurse anymore! haha.

Mary Brueske

I love this, Lauren, and I remember it like it was yesterday. First time on the school bus...precious.

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